Wednesday, July 05, 2006


School's Out For Summer!!!!

Well here it is, the first week of summer holidays and we have been vegging. We were at the cottage for the July 1st long weekend and we had fun and we are all very tired. The weather was ok but very windy. We had a storm on Saturday night and it poured. I thought we were suppose to have a hot, dry summer.....oh well it is only the first week of July so let's hope for drier weather.

Josh went to Wonderland today with his cousins; Rob, Mark and David and he had a blast. Poor Holly....she has never been to Wonderland. I have promised to take her there sometime. I haven't been to Wonderland myself since Josh was 3. I would like to go as well. Tomorrow and Friday will be spent getting him ready for camp next week. He seems to be looking forward to it and I hope he has fun. I think the girls and I are going to stay at the cottage most of next week as well. There's not much for them to do in the city and I really don't have money to take them anywhere so the cottage is the best place to hang. At least there they have someone to play with and there is always something to do. I am just glad that I don't have to live around the clock and can come and go as I please.

Well, I guess that is all for now. Before we know it the summer will be over and the kids will be back at school and it will all begin again. I love summer and plan on enjoying every minute of it this year.

Ta for now.

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