Saturday, April 29, 2006


Just me.......Again!!

Hey everyone!

Well I have taken a leap forward and decided to become a Creative Memories consultant. I am scared and excited. This is all new for me and I'm not really sure what to expect but the only way I can fail is to give up!! I know it's not going to be easy at first but I really enjoy scrapbooking so why not do something that I enjoy and get paid for it?? The thought of going out to a job really scares me.....but at least this job won't require me to have a new wardrobe. My unit leader, Tonya is great and she is very supportive so what more can I ask for?? If anyone wants to help me out by having a class then by all means....please do!! that's really all for now. Oh ya, I hope Kyle and Stephanie are having a great time and I'm happy that they are able to spend 3 months together in New Zealand. We miss you guys and love you too. Can't wait to see you!! That's all for now......till next time........see ya!!!!

Your new job sounds fantastic! I love scrapbooking! Kyle and I are having a fantastic time! He has gone up North for a week to learn how to scuba dive! Crazy I know, but it isn't everyday that you can scuba dive in a spot that Jacques Cousteau named one of the five top diving spots in the world! I'm sure he will have tons of stories upon his return. Talk to you soon, hope the wedding was fantastic...wish we could have been there! Love you and miss you.
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