Thursday, February 09, 2006


Rhonda's Post

Rhonda's Post

Well, here I am again! Nothing too much going on. The kids have been feeling a bit under the weather and frankly so have I!! This cold, dreary weather doesn't help much. I am sooo ready for SUMMER, but then again I guess I shouldn't wish my life away!

Grandma Paul took Richelle, Holly, Alanna and I to see The Chronicles Of Narnia last night and it was an awesome movie! I recommend it to everyone! There are a few really cute movies coming out that I would love to take the kids to see! Quite a few of them are Disney movies.....not much of a surprise!

OK.....well I think that is about all for now.......Tomorrow is Friday and I can't wait so I can do what I need to do and not be stuck to the clock! Early hockey game for Josh and Rick on Saturday.....7:00am.....EWWW!! Oh well, it's just one day! Oh ya, and by the way could you tell me you were heading to the beach??? So not fair!! Can't wait to see your pictures from the volcano!! Hope you are still having a great time....cause we still miss you!! Lots of kisses and hugs for you from us!
Till next time.........ciao!!

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