Sunday, January 22, 2006


Rhonda's Post

Here it is Jan. 21st already and I can't believe it!! The weather hasn't been much like winter and there hasn't been alot of snow....which really stinks!! I like snow cause it's pretty and there is more to do when it snows. Right now the kids come home so muddy......I hate mud!!! OH well, such is life! I hope this doesn't mean that we are going to have a lousy summer!! Yes, I am wishing for summer to we can go to the cottage and play baseball and be outside!! Winter is just so long......I would love to be somewhere warm right now! Maybe if I think warm, I'll be warm!!! Jamaica, Barbados....doesn't that sound nice?? One day maybe I'll get to one of those places!! One can only hope!!!

Well that's it for now.....not much more happening in my life. Maybe next time will be more exciting! Till then......chow!!

Hey Girl, that girlfriend of your nephews sounds like a real cool chick! It has only been a few weeks and I already miss everyone so much! I am happy that you have made your own blog so I can keep track of what is going on back home and you can see what I am up to. That way you can live vicariously through me here in the warm weather now, and I will do the same in a few months time when you are at the cottage :( Talk to you soon, and love you!
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