Monday, January 30, 2006


Me and my daughter Posted by Picasa


Rhonda's Post

Well here we are at the end of January!! Seems like Christmas was just last week. I guess if you looked around this house you might think that Christmas was only last week. Yes, I still have some decorations up!! I am the biggest procrastinator in the world!! (Ha ha!) What can I say....I like Christmas!!! I really am tired of this stupid weather and I wish it would snow. I know you don't have to shovel rain but snow is much prettier and there is more to do in the snow!! I haven't even gone skating yet this winter.....I guess I need skates to do that!

This year is going to be a busy sister's wedding in May, parents and in-laws 50th anniversaries and some 40th birthdays. Should be fun. I will miss not having my oldest nephew and his sweet girlfriend here for the wedding and will miss having Stephanie at the cottage when we do the family thing! Oh well, I know she is having a great time and the experience of a lifetime and we'll have lots to get caught up on when she gets home!! We love you Steph and we miss you too! Make sure you take lots of pictures!
Well this is me for another day......I am still thinking warm.....Bahamas, oh ya baby!!!! Till next time......ciao!!

Sunday, January 22, 2006


Rhonda's Post

Here it is Jan. 21st already and I can't believe it!! The weather hasn't been much like winter and there hasn't been alot of snow....which really stinks!! I like snow cause it's pretty and there is more to do when it snows. Right now the kids come home so muddy......I hate mud!!! OH well, such is life! I hope this doesn't mean that we are going to have a lousy summer!! Yes, I am wishing for summer to we can go to the cottage and play baseball and be outside!! Winter is just so long......I would love to be somewhere warm right now! Maybe if I think warm, I'll be warm!!! Jamaica, Barbados....doesn't that sound nice?? One day maybe I'll get to one of those places!! One can only hope!!!

Well that's it for now.....not much more happening in my life. Maybe next time will be more exciting! Till then......chow!!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006


Rhonda's Post

Well not much has happened since my last post. The kids are back at school and are having a hard time adjusting again!! I have to admit, it was nice not to have to rush around in the morning for the past 2 weeks. Oh well, that is reality and you can't have pajama days all the time!! My oldest daughter just came down saying her tooth had come out....but it is really weird looking...almost like only half the tooth has come out. She is a lot like me in the way that she gets queasy very easily. It's nice to have someone who is somewhat like me....the other two take after their father so 1 of 3 isn't bad!!!

Ok.....well that's it for I said not very much has happened to talk about. Maybe my next post will be more exciting!!! That's life when you're a stay at home mom!!!

Friday, January 06, 2006

 Posted by Picasa


Rhonda's Post

Well.....this is my first time using a blog.....which I had no idea about until my nephew's girlfriend told me about it. So I thought I would check it out.

I can't believe that it is 2006 already! It seems like just yesterday I was talking about getting married and having a family and now here I am, 3 kids later and married for 15yrs. I can't say that it has been all uphill but it certainly has been worth it all. I love my children and my husband with all my heart. Sometimes I wonder if they really know how much they mean to me? If I have learned anything at all in my 39 yrs of life, it is that you should never hold back on telling the people who mean the most to us just how much we love never know when that chance will be gone! So here all my family and friends....thanks for being there and loving me for me! You are the thing that keeps me going when I feel like there is nothing left!!

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