Sunday, February 11, 2007


New Year New Me!!

Well it's been a while since I have posted anything so I thought I would post something now. I can't believe that it's already February. Christmas came and went so quickly that it all seems like a blur. It took a long time for winter to actually hit us but it hit us with a vengeance. It has been so cold and now I am longing for the cold to go away and the warmth to hit us! Being somewhere tropical would be awesome right now!!!!
Just like the title's a new year and the new me is here. I started a job this past week and so far it has been fun. There is alot to remember but I know I can do it and I know it will help with my attitude and make me feel more human! I am tired but it's a good tired and I have met some really nice people who have been very helpful. I think I am going to enjoy working and being among's been almost 11yrs since I worked and got paid for it! I have loved being home with my children and do not regret one single decision I made.
Well that is all for now......hope everyone has a great 2007.

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