Sunday, June 04, 2006 I am again and it's June. I can't believe that summer is almost here. The kids have 3 weeks left of school and then it's off to the cottage!! I think I am going to have to get into shape before that happens!! (That should be fun!! He he!)

Kayrene and Scot's wedding went really well and was very nice. Cameron and Cathy invited us back to their house afterwards and it was a really great time had by all. We missed Kyle and Stephanie and can't wait for their return but hope all is well and they are enjoying their time. The next big thing we have to look after is Grandma and Pappa's 50th Anniversary. Rae, Cathy, Kayrene and I are trying to get something organized and are hoping it goes off without any problems. We don't have much time so it will be a rush to get the invites out to everyone but it's worth it.

Well that's all for now. Look out we come!!!

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